Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog #17: Fourth Interview Questions

1) What characteristics in design make an award-winning yearbook?

2) What characteristics in copy make an award-winning yearbook?

3) What characteristics in yearbook editors make an award-winning yearbook?

4) What are the best ways to improve photography in yearbook?

5) What are some ways I can get my staff more involved or excited about yearbook?

6) What are leadership qualities that are required to run a yearbook staff?

7) What are good design staff training activities?

8) What are good photo staff training activities?

9) How can I get my staff more comfortable with each other? What are good bonding activities for a staff?

10) What are qualities that are absolutely necessary for a good theme?

11) What exactly is the job of an Editor-in-Chief? How can I tell when I am doing too much or too little?

12) What are the biggest "weak spots" in otherwise functional yearbook staffs? What should I do to improve or avoid these weak spots?

13) Have you ever seen a strong staff absolutely tank? Why did it happen?

14) What do you think are the biggest "no-nos" in the yearbook world?

15) How do you best train potential future editors?

16) If your potential future editors seem weak, what are the best ways to train them?

17) What is your opinion on the maestro method?

18) Where do you turn for inspiration?

19) What should I do if I am losing sight of the theme?

20) Describe your favorite yearbook ever. What made it so great?

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