Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog #10: Self-Reflection

1.) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?
I think that my senior project is going fairly well. Or, more appropriately, my product is going well. The rest of my senior project is alright. I would give myself a P/P- right now - while in some aspects I'm doing very well (AE status), in other aspects I'm, er, not doing as well.

2.) What is one thing you think you have done well on and why?
I think what I'm most proud of right now is my product: the yearbook. What we have for this book right now is definitely the best work that we have ever produced. Beyond that, I am proud of the entire yearbook process, as of right now. We've turned in cover, endsheets, and first deadline all in on time. Our last proofs were only one day late, and that was because we had to call someone for a technical issue (which ended up being a good idea). This has never happened before. Not since I've been on staff, anyway. Not only that, but what we turned in was almost totally complete. This is partially because of the effort of all of the editors - we all know what to do this year, as opposed to last year, when we had no idea what we were doing - and also because of the staff. The entire staff seems to be more willing to work this year. I like to think that I've done something to aid in this.

3.) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why?
I really want to improve on what I have for science fair. I currently have a partially incorporeal hypothesis (that's what I've called it in my head). It's just not all there. There are patches of nothingness in several places. I have been setting aside some time every few days to look through science fair links that I've stored, but I feel like I am coming no closer to a corporeal-solid-solid hypothesis. I'm planning, either this weekend or during break, to take an entire day where I simply sit down and research for three or four hours. I also want to improve on getting things in on time, namely my second interview. It was a fantastic interview. I'm even thinking of using it as my best interview, just because it would be hard to top. A little bit of myself died when I realized I could only get an AP on it.